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Assessment Training

We are always happy to receive feedback! Especially when it’s good news like this. Over 80% of the pilots who prepare for a 747 assessment with us later pass the flying part in the simulator. To this end, we train in our Boeing 747-400 in an original environment that ensures the necessary safety during the preflight. Especially under the observing eyes of the psychologist, you will appear confident if you have seen the cockpit before. THE advantage of our 100% detailed Cathay Pacific Original Cockpit! We go into all the special features of the Boeing 747 compared to the Boeing 737 or the Airbus A320, for example, as well as the differences in the radio setup, the FMS and the SOPs. Our preparation program is rounded off with many tips on briefing, checklists and special features of the 747. As active 747 pilots, we can draw on our own experience as well as regular feedback from our trainees.