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Can a Passenger Land a Plane?


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Can a Passenger Land a Plane?
The 120-minute program for those who want to find out

Inspired by the classic movie Panic in the Skies, you suddenly and unexpectedly find yourself in the cockpit of an unmanned passenger plane with over 300 passengers and 17 crew members.

You are the only one who can save everyone and safely land the plane at an alternate airport. But can you really do it?

Armed only with a radio and the instructions from an air traffic controller, your first task is to keep the plane flying. Then, following the controller’s guidance, you must dump fuel, reprogram the navigation computers, initiate the descent, input the approach into the flight management system, check the weather, extend the flaps and landing gear, all while managing the plane’s speed. That’s a lot to handle all at once!

But what happens if other aircraft cross your flight path, systems start to fail, or a sudden storm approaches? The last thing you need is a fire in the cargo hold!

Answer for yourself the age-old aviation and road-trip question:

Can a passenger land a plane? And more importantly, can YOU?

Realistically, the autopilot will be used as much as possible. After a successful landing, we will perform a manual flight at the alternate airport, without autopilot or automatic speed control (autothrust). This includes a manual takeoff, manual flying, and manual landing.

The program can be completed solo, or you can bring along a co-pilot to assist you in the cockpit. In the movie, it’s the flight attendant. The price remains unchanged, of course.

So, take the challenge and face the task of flying and landing a jumbo jet under completely realistic conditions.

This event is especially popular as a gift for friends and family.