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Ready for take-off


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Das besondere Geschenk. Du erhältst einen gravierten Kofferanhänger mit dem Namen des Empfängers als Gutschein. Aufpreis in Höhe von 14,95€

Ready for Take-Off
The 90-minute training for hobby pilots

Have you always wanted to sit in the cockpit of a 747 and pilot the Queen of the Skies yourself?

Then this program is perfect for you.

  • Welcome and discussion to determine individual preferences
  • Introduction to aerodynamics and a general flight briefing
  • 90-minute session in the 747 simulator
  • Choose your desired scenarios, from engine start to parking the aircraft
  • Optional repositioning between different flight phases
  • Taxiing, takeoff, climb, cruise, descent, approach, and landing
  • Aircraft control either manually or with autopilot
  • Operation of the control yoke, throttle levers, landing gear, and flaps
  • Flight exercises and ILS or visual approaches, with or without autopilot/flight director
  • One accompanying person included in the price, who can also fly if desired (seat in the cockpit)
  • Additional accompanying persons can watch from inside or outside the cockpit