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Team event


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Das besondere Geschenk. Du erhältst einen gravierten Kofferanhänger mit dem Namen des Empfängers als Gutschein. Aufpreis in Höhe von 14,95€

Team Event
The 180-minute program for smaller and larger groups

While two participants at a time take control of the aircraft for at least 30 minutes (depending on group size), two others – standing in the simulator – observe over their shoulders, preparing for their own turn. The remaining participants can follow the action from outside on large TV screens in a stylish setting.

A smooth change of pilots is possible at any time.

Under the guidance of our 1-2 experienced instructors, various flight phases are carried out in a relaxed atmosphere. From starting the engines to parking the aircraft at the final position. With or without major system failures, which we can easily simulate.

The aircraft control is entirely in your hands, whether manually or in autopilot mode. Control yoke, throttle, landing gear, flaps – everything is operated just like in a real aircraft.

A unique group event that is perfect for any occasion. Whether as a team-building activity or simply an extraordinary fun experience with friends. Recommended group size  6-18 participants.

Drinks, snacks, and additional catering can be provided upon request